Puerto Rico 1


Puerto Rico 1 〰️

Original Record Date: 9/19/24

POWW Episode 197: we pivot and hop to Puerto Rico, for the first of a couple episodes. Thank you to Yoel and Nay for the collaboration and information that made the Puerto Rico episodes happen. This first part features Oi, street punk, and punk bands. Including tracks from: The M.D.'s, Odio Simple, Mente Oi, Brigada 99, Da’ Pingaz, Steel Toe, Por el ayer y por el oi, Unión de Defensa, Mentes de Acero, The Frontside Generation, Vieja Estirpe, Estentoreos, Socialmente Muertos, La Experiencia de Toñito Cabanilla, Paciente Cero, Reverendo 74, Lopo Drido, Distorción Rebelde, Cojoba, and Actitud Subversiva.
