Spain Part 9 Madrid 2


Spain Part 9 Madrid 2 〰️

Original Record Date: 3/30/23

POWW Episode 119: We are on the eighth episode on this stop in Spain, moving back to the capital city of Madrid. This episode features tracks from bands of Madrid: Bogavantes Con Tirantes, Concepción Glory Boys, Los Pajarracos, Nuevo Orden Mundial, Tres Cuervos, Reina Roja, Blood Pints, Hate Edge, Lost Lost Bandits, The Rejects, La Stasi, 37 Hostias, Andanada 7, Mankômanos, Proyecto kostradamus, San Blas Posse, Subestimados, Knockout, Drunken Bräwl, Yugular, Biznaga, and To The Helpless.
